Hampshire’s highway maintenance activity is based upon statutory powers and duties contained in legislation and precedents developed over time, as a result of claims and legal proceedings. However, even in the absence of specific duties and powers, Highway Authorities have a general duty of care to users and the community to maintain the highway in a condition fit for its purpose.
The ‘HCC Highway Maintenance Management Plan’ document provides information on Hampshire’s approach to highway maintenance.
The parish council encourages you to report highways problems directly to HCC Highways as the quickest means of resolving those issues.
How to Report a Problem
In the event of a highways issue, e.g. a pothole in the road or an obstruction caused by a fallen tree or an empty salt bin, you can telephone the Call Centre to report the problem,
Highways Call Centre tel. 0300 555 1388
Or, you can report the problem online at ‘Report a Problem’ on the HCC Highways website.
Road Salting and Salt Bin Locations - finding salt bin details
During inclement icy weather the 'HCC Salting Policy' provides information for the priority order of road salting.
The 'Map of salt bins and salting routes' webpage displays the priority salting routes marked in red and the secondary routes marked in blue are shown for the selected postcode. Hannington Village has a priority salting route stretching from the A339 to the Village Green. Clicking on 'Map features' and ticking the 'Salt bins' overlay box brings up all the salt bins located in the selected locality.
Clicking on a particular salt bin brings up the details of the salt bin, including the unique bin reference number used when reporting problems.
Scottish & Southern Electricity Power Cables are Down
In the event a SSE power cable has come down causing potential danger to the public please report the problem directly to,
SSE's Call Centre tel. 0800 048 3516
Road Works & Closures
Various utility companies and HCC Highways need to partially or fully closedown access to roads depending on the work activity. You can view 'Scheduled Road Works' up to 12 months ahead for a particular location that you are interested in.
Road Accident Incidents
The website http://www.crashmap.co.uk/ provides a free search service which displays information about locations, dates, times and the number of vehicles and casualties involved in road accidents in Great Britain.
Hannington Parish Council Liaison with HCC Highways
The parish council regularly contacts the highways authority with regard to 'high risk' issues which are normally quickly resolved. The resolution progress is reviewed at the parish council meetings. The register of HCC Highways issues can be found under the Risk Management tab 'Risk Register' on this website.